Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 34 - Gosnells, Southern River Zone, Western Australia - April 4, 2016 - Life's Good - God's Good!

I heard Conference was GLORIOUS. WE are pumped for it down here! Can't wait! Could you imagine if everyone in the world knew of the true importance of General Conference? A ticket to the conference center would cost 500,000$$$. We are going to try to get all of our gators and less actives to at least come to a Sunday session.

We made a little progress with E this week. He told us that he might just decide to be baptized anyways despite what his uncle said. We had a good chat with him, but then we went by to wake him up for church and he said he had to go pick something up for his mom. But we are doing well. We did a lot of tracting this last week.  Got some new people to go follow up on so we will see how that goes!

I don't have much else to say. The work keeps going and so do we!

I want you guys to know I love being a missionary...I know it is what I need to be doing right now in my life. I can't imagine what I would be like if I never came out here....God is so GOOD:)

Elder Cordner

Be careful Elder Cordner!
Australia in one picture.
Our neighbor ran over our beloved little garden gnome.
This is all we found of him the next morning.  He left this paper.  Haha!

Perth has cool art on a lot of the buildings.  This one is sweet.

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